There are no small programs
For many coding best practices you read about you will see exceptions like “for small programs it’s ok to not follow this”. Using global variables or untyped/dynamically typed languages are…
For many coding best practices you read about you will see exceptions like “for small programs it’s ok to not follow this”. Using global variables or untyped/dynamically typed languages are…
In parts 1 and 2 of this series on dependency injection I showed how dependency injection is implemented, and why it is a powerful technique. The motivating examples and coding…
Part 1 covered the structural elements dependency injection and the style in which you write code using dependency injection. In this part, we’ll talk about additional architectural features that are…
Dependency injection (DI) is a key principle of clean code. It is also often misrepresented and misunderstood, and thus often disregarded. So, let us begin with the definition of dependency…
Strict test-first development suggests that when you define a new function, you proceed as follows: Define the function signature. Define test cases for the function. Implement the function until all…
A prototype has one job to do: Prove that it is feasible to implement your idea.There may be additional benefits, like getting an idea which API or UI work, and…
Do the least amount of work possible That is the key principle that will make you more productive, will help you deliver your project on time and within budget, and…